Presidential Portfolio


Oversees strategic direction, stakeholder relations, and general BSA operations


Paige Boyer - President

4th Year BEUC/BLAW

Drink Order: Oatmilk Latte from ACE Coffee Roasters

Study Spot: Rutherford 4th Floor

Favourite Course = BLAW 428 (Natural Resources and Environmental Law)

Fun Fact: I participated in a 24-hr mountain bike race last summer!

Advice for First Years:

“If you have a question in class, make sure to ask it!”


Carter Moroz

Internal Relations Director

4th Year HRM

Drink Order: Coffee from A&W

Study Spot: Can’t give that away :)

Favourite Course = SEM 413 (Rights in the Work Place)

Fun Fact: I've lived in Edmonton my whole life but did live and work in Ottawa during the Summer of 2022.

Advice for First Years:

"Study, Study, and do some more Studying - Ask for Help when needed”

Bethany Coles

Council Enrichment Director & Operations Director

2nd Year SEM

Drink Order: Chai Latte from Starbucks OR an ice-cold Coca Cola from the bottle.

Study Spot: 6th floor CAB right when you get off the elevator

Favourite Course = SOC 271 (Family Sociology)

Fun Fact: I split a freshly caught anglerfish and fresh pasta with my boyfriend in Naples this summer. It might be the best thing I’ve ever eaten.

Advice for First Years:

“Don’t do stats and math in the same semester!!! Reframe group work; be excited instead of disappointed when you’re randomly assigned to a group. It’s hard to make new connections and network when you always have a buddy with you. Also, make friends with people who aren’t in business (ex. nursing, criminology, etc).

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