Finance Portfolio


Consists of building a platform that organizes the BSA’s entire budget

Gaby Yu -

VP Finance

4th Year Accounting

Drink Order: COCO Mango Dream

Study Spot: SUB

Favourite Courses:

1. Accounting 311

2. Religion 274 (Witches and the Occult)

Fun Fact: I can sleep the entire airplane flight

Advice for First Years:

“Choose accounting, it’s fun”


Justin Brown

Finance Director

2nd Year Finance

Study Spot: Rutherford Library

Favourite Course = MATH 154 (Calculus for Business and Economics)

Fun Fact: I am a marathon runner

Advice for First Years:

“Don't take university for granted and waste your time on "easy" classes. Find courses that interest you and you'll do just as well.”


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